BCOA Events

Past Events 2023

President’s Advent Invitation to St Mary’s, Ewell for Organ Concert and Celebratory Afternoon Tea

Richard Gowers has invited us to St George’s Hanover Square. The organ is a comprehensive 3 manual by Richard Fowkes built in 2012 with tracker action, lovely for Bach.

Fairfield Hall Lunchtime Recital given by Herman Jordaan

Visit to Most Precious Blood, London Bridge followed by St Peter’s Vauxhall at 2.30pm 

Fairfield Hall Lunchtime Recital given by Marilyn Harper

Joint Visit with Brighton Association to Aubertin Organ at home of Paul Griffiths, Fairwarp, Sussex

Bellingham Centenary Celebration Recital by Marilyn Harper at St Dunstan’s Church, SE6 3JB

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