The Bromley Organists’ & Choirmasters’ Association was founded in the 1920s to support the work of local church musicians. In the 1960s it was joined by members from the former Croydon Association and re-formed under its present title.

Current membership of the Association ranges from student organists and non-players to professional church musicians and established recitalists, many of whom hold church appointments in the area.
The Association aims to encourage and promote interest in all aspects of church music and it welcomes into membership all those with an interest in organs and choirs and the music they perform. The Association is affiliated to the Incorporated Association of Organists.
Advantages of Membership

All members receive a copy of our Annual Programme and a copy of our Membership List which provides valuable information on the availability of members to deputise for all types of service.
Members also receive a Monthly Newsletter (by post or e-mail) giving full details of forthcoming visits, together with local recitals and much other news and information.
Members can also obtain the IAO’s excellent quarterly journal, Organists’ Review at a reduced rate and can take part in the Annual Congress and London Organ Day.
The Christian Strover organ lessons scheme is open to new applicants. click here for more information
Our Programme of Events

We sometimes share meetings with other local associations and guests are always welcome at our events. Members are encouraged to invite their friends to take part in our meetings.
The Bromley & Croydon Association meets regularly throughout the year. Meetings include visits to organs locally and further afield; social events like the Annual Dinner and Christmas Supper Party; and “educational” meetings to assist members in developing their expertise. Several successful day-tours have been organised to Oxford and Cambridge and each season usually ends with a most enjoyable Summer Country Organ Tour. Some years also include a residential week; previous weeks have been based in York, Lincoln, Worcester and Birmingham.